Shielded Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer for Radioactive Samples
SKAPHIA provides a safe environment for manipulating and analyzing nuclear samples together with benchmark analytical performance allowing scientists to gain a deeper understanding of fuel performance, to explore irradiated material behavior and radiation damage processes, to develop innovative alloys and structural materials, to optimize the nuclear fuel cycle and to achieve better nuclear waste management…
Derived from CAMECA state-of-the-art EPMA instruments, SKAPHIA can analyze almost all elements of the periodic table, revealing compositional information for both major and trace elements of radioactive sample. The information is obtained from sub-micron areas with excellent precision and accuracy. It is designed to accept samples emitting beta and gamma radiations with a maximum acceptable g radiation level of 111 GBq at an energy of 0.75 MeV.
Fully customized environment and analytical equipment
- Column, spectrometers and sample stage are installed in a hot cell (lead or concrete shielded room).
- Remote-manipulators and/or ball manipulators are used to insert and mount the radioactive samples.
- The instrument is fully remote-controlled (stage, column, diaphragms…), with electronics and computer deported outside the “hot” cell environment.
- All WDS analyzers and detectors are shielded to prevent the background caused by the gamma radiations.
- The stage is made of Denal material.
- The secondary electron detector has a special orientation to avoid gamma ray perturbation.
- A dedicated EPMA software program provides all necessary features for quantitative analysis, X-ray mapping, line profile acquisition and data processing.
A wide range of nuclear applications
With over a dozen instruments in operation worldwide, CAMECA is the world leader in shielded EPMA instruments. We serve a wide range of nuclear applications: study of the radiation damage processes in materials and complex micro-structures, analysis of materials for the nuclear fuel cycle, R&D of advanced alloys and innovative structural materials, nuclear reactor maintenance optimization, nuclear waste management…
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