Type 4228
Pistonphone Type 4228 is designed to be used for sound level meter and microphone calibration, and is ideal for in-field calibration over a wide range of temperature, humidity and pressure while still maintaining high accuracy.
Pistonphone Type 4228 provides quick and accurate calibration of sound measuring equipment, such as microphones and sound level meters.
With the included barometer, it satisfies IEC 942 (1988) Class 1L while, with an external barometer, it is capable of satisfying Class 0L of IEC 942 (1988). It also satisfies ANSI S1.40-1984. It can be used in the field over a wide range of temperature, humidity and pressure while still maintaining high accuracy. It is extremely useful for supplying a standard sound pressure level.
- Laboratory standard
- Calibration of sound level meters and other sound measurement equipment
- Field and laboratory use
The calibration frequency, nominally 250Hz, is 251.2Hz ±0.1% as defined by ISO 266. The sound level produced by the pistonphone is nominally 124 ± 0.2 dB re 20 uPa at the reference conditions. Each pistonphone, however, is individually calibrated with an uncertainty of less than 0.09 dB and delivered with a calibration chart. When loaded with a microphone of one of the specified types, the uncertainty is less than 0.12 dB. The high sound level from the pistonphone allows correct calibration to be made in the field, even in very noisy surroundings.
The piston arrangement, based on an original Brüel & Kjær design, consists of two pistons mounted on opposite sides of a cam disc. The rotation of the cam disc forces the pistons to move, in phase, in and out of the coupler cavity. The design reduces cam disc eccentricity and harmonic distortion, and ensures maximum level stability.
The pistonphone is very simple to operate with only one control switch. It can be held in one hand in any position, while, with the free hand, the sensitivity of the sound measuring equipment is adjusted until a reading corresponding to the sound pressure level produced is obtained.
The pistonphone fits Brüel & Kjær 1²-inch, 1/2-inch, 1/4-inch and 1/8-inch microphones, and microphones having the same standard diameter (for example, Types WE-640AA, MR 103). A barometer supplied with the pistonphone gives the ambient pressure correction in dB, in the range 650 to 1080 hPa, provided it is checked annually to maintain its accuracy.
- Laboratory standard
- Calibration of sound level meters and other sound measurement equipment
- Field and laboratory use
- 124 dB SPL at 250 Hz
- Satisfies IEC 942 (1988) Class 1L or Class 0L (with external barometer) and ANSI S1.40-1984
- High frequency and level stability
- Individually calibrated to within ± 0.12 dB (including effects of specified microphones)
- Fits 1″, 1/2″, 1/4″ and 1/8″ microphones
- Battery operated