IMS 7f-Auto
Versatile SIMS Tool: Reference Detection Sensitivity with High Throughput & Full Automation
The IMS 7f-Auto is the latest version of our successful IMS xf Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS) product line. Designed to deliver high precision elemental and isotopic analyses with increased ease-of-use and productivity, it has been optimized for challenging applications such as glass, metals, ceramics, Si-based, III-V and II-VI devices, bulk materials, thin films… fulfilling industry requirements for efficient device development and process control.
Key analytical features for solving a wide range of analytical problems
The IMS 7f-Auto offers unparalleled depth profiling capabilities with high depth resolution and high dynamic range. The high transmission mass spectrometer is combined with two reactive, high-density ion sources, O2+ and Cs+, thus providing high sputter rate and excellent detection limits. A unique optical design allows both direct ion microscopy and scanning microprobe imaging.
Improved automation & operation efficiency
The IMS 7f-Auto is equipped with a redesigned, in-line primary column for easier and faster primary beam tuning and optimized primary beam current stability. New automated routines minimize operator related biases and improve ease-of-use. A motorized storage chamber with automated load / unload of sample holders ensures high throughput through analysis chaining and remote operation.
High reproducibility at high throughput
Thanks to its new motorized storage chamber & sample transfer, the IMS 7f-Auto can analyze multiple samples in chained or remote mode. Measurements can be fully unattended and automated, with unequalled throughput and reproducibility. Ultimate reproducibility can be achieved (RSD < 0.5 %), together with excellent detection limits, high throughput and productivity (tool can be used 24h a day with minimum operator intervention).
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