Since the introduction of electron microscopes in the 1930s, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has developed into a critical tool within numerous different research fields, spanning everything from materials science, to forensics, to industrial manufacturing, and even to the life sciences.
As soon as microscopic information about the surface or near-surface region of a specimen is needed, SEM becomes a necessary tool. For that reason, the method finds applications in nearly every branch of science, technology and industry.
Floor model SEMs offer the flexibility and versatility to meet a wide range of academic and industrial needs: support for large and heavy samples, a very wide range of accessories, excellent imaging quality for the most challenging materials or the smallest details, and dynamic experimentation.
Thermo Fisher Scientific is dedicated to producing analytical SEMs that are ideally suited for your specific needs. We offer a range of versatile tools, everything from our easy-to-use Thermo Scientific Phenom Desktop SEMs to powerhouse instruments capable of unparalleled resolution and contrast like the Thermo Scientific Verios SEM.