Olympus Inverted Microscope IXplore Pro

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Menampilkan gambar secara otomatis untuk Eksperimen yang Akurat dan Efisien.

Dirancang untuk pengamatan multidimensi otomatis dan pengaturan eksperimen yang mudah. Sistem mikroskop IXplore Pro memfasilitasi pengumpulan data yang mudah dan akuisisi gambar panorama multisaluran yang mulus.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut klik disini.

Ease of Use

The Graphical Experimental Manager (GEM) of cellSens Dimension software offers fully automated multidimensional observation (X, Y, Z, T, wavelength, and positions) and eases experiment setup. 

Precise, Reliable Hardware

Automated Focusing

The cellSens software’s multipoint focus map enables automated focusing across wide image areas with multiple objective lenses, making it easier to stay in focus while you navigate your samples.

High-Precision Ultrasonic Stage (IX3-SSU)

With low thermal drift and high accuracy, the ultrasonic stage delivers excellent reliability for time-lapse acquisition. Sample holders firmly secure slides or dishes to provide repeatability during high-magnification, multipoint observations.

Bright, Uniform Fluorescence Illumination

The fluorescence illuminator (IX3-RFALFE) incorporates a fly-eye lens system to distribute light evenly. The system provides bright and uniform illumination to the entire field of view, which is well-suited for image stitching applications.

Well Plates Made Simple

The Well Plate Navigator and Database solutions for cellSens software facilitate proper screening during an experiment. Together, they improve the efficiency of viewing and analyzing well plate images with a large amount of data.

Information such as date, file name, or well plate number are easily selectable with icons, displaying any selection of captured images to be used for further analysis. These solutions also enable continuous analysis of selected images (the batch macro function) using the well plate GUI.

Rapid Deconvolution

Olympus cellSens Dimension software includes live 2D deblurring for preview and acquisition, enabling better focusing of thick specimens. For further detail enhancement, TruSight deconvolution is available to reassign out-of-focus light. TruSight uses a constrained iterative deconvolution algorithm to produce improved resolution, contrast, and dynamic range with industry-leading high speed through GPU processing.

Simplify Your Workflow

Suitable Objectives for Observation with Plastic Vessels

LUCPLFLN series objectives and, in particular, the UCPLFLN20XPH (NA 0.7) objective are well-suited for observation using plastic dishes. The objectives enable high-resolution observation of the cell proliferation process and deliver improved contrast across a wide area. This gives you the flexibility to image through plastic-bottom dishes in addition to glass.

*Image: iPS-cell expressing Nanog reporter (GFP) Image data courtesy of: Tomonobu Watanabe, Ph.D. Laboratory for Comprehensive Bioimaging, RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center

Advanced Analysis

Images can be easily converted to statistically relevant data with cellSens software. The software features region-of-interest, phase analysis, and cell counting capabilities. Export raw measurement data to Microsoft® Excel® software or a cellSens workbook with a single click.


L. Kruger, et al. Ductular and proliferative response of esophageal submucosal glands in a porcine model of esophageal injury and repair. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (June 1,2017).

A. Urakami, et al. Development of a novel virus-like particle vaccine platform that mimics immature form of alphavirus. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (May 17, 2017).

A. S. Hasan, et al. Cardiosphere-derived cells facilitate heart repair by modulating M1/M2 macrophage polarization and neutrophil recruitment. PLoS ONE (October 20, 2016).

S. McKenna, et al. Perinatal endotoxemia induces sustained hepatic COX-2 expression through an NFκB-dependent mechanism. Journal of Innate Immunity (April 29, 2016).

D. H. Adams, et al. Data on keratin expression in human cells cultured with Australian native plant extracts. Data Brief (March 16, 2016).

H. Doi, et al. Potency of umbilical cord blood- and Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells for scarless wound healing. Scientific Reports (January 5, 2016).

D. Seko, et al. μ-Crystallin controls muscle function through thyroid hormone action. The FASEB Journal (December 30, 2015).

Y. Ono, et al. Muscle stem cell fate is controlled by the cell polarity protein Scrib. Cell Reports (February 24, 2015).

Microscope Frame


Observation Method Super Resolution
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence
Fluorescence (Blue/Green Excitation)
Fluorescence (Ultraviolet Excitation)
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
Phase Contrast
Revolving Nosepiece Motorized (6 position)
Focus Motorized
Z Drift Compensator
Observation Tubes Widefield (FN 22) Tilting Binocular
Illuminator Transmitted Köhler Illuminator LED Lamp
100 W Halogen Lamp
Fluorescence Illuminator 100 W Mercury Lamp
Light Guide Illumination
Fluorescence Mirror Turret Motorized (8 position)
Stage Motorized IX3-SSU Ultrasonic Stage for IX3
Mechanical IX3-SVR Mechanical Stage with Right Handle X: 114 mm, Y: 75 mm
IX3-SVL Mechanical Stage with Left Short Handle X: 114 mm, Y: 75 mm
Condenser Motorized Universal Condenser W.D. 27 mm, NA 0.55, motorized aperture and polarizer
Manual Universal Condenser NA 0.55/ W.D. 27 mm
Ultra-Long Working Distance Condenser NA 0.3/ W.D. 73.3 mm
Confocal Scanner

Super Resolution Processing


Dimensions (W × D × H) 323 (W) x 475 (D) x 706 (H) mm (IX83 microscope frame)
Weight Approx. 47kg (IX83P2ZF)

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